Scorecard FAQ

We assessed 16 of the largest US food retailers based on retail sales. This array of companies owns many common US brands capturing over 70 unique grocery store brands.

EIA created a detailed questionnaire that was sent to companies two months prior to publication. Companies that did not respond to the questionnaire were assessed based on the best available information. This includes, but is not limited to: company corporate responsibility reports, company environmental and social governance reports, industry articles, and submissions to our Climate-Friendly Supermarkets map, public records, and press releases. The scorecards were filled out by EIA based on this public information and shared with companies for their feedback three weeks before the publication of the scorecard.

EIA intends to reassess supermarket uptake of natural refrigerants and HFC-free solutions on a biennial basis and determine if enough progress has been made to warrant a scorecard update.

Find a climate-friendly supermarket near you using our interactive map and help us investigate supermarkets to continue building up the map. Don’t see a climate-friendly supermarket near you? Click here to ask for an HFC-free store in your area!